Every trailer that we build is based upon a full set of custom prints detailing the option locations and dimensions of your trailer. Once you receive your prints, you may make location changes and add or remove options as necessary. Please take your time to fully review the prints to ensure an accurate build and efficient signoff.
If you need any changes or additional dimensions shown, simply mark your prints and return them along with the print revision form to your dealer. We will update the prints and return to you for review. Once you have a set of prints with everything exactly as you would like it, simply initial and date each page along with the final order and return it to your dealer for signoff. Below is a list of some items that are often overlooked or misunderstood on the prints:
If something is missing from your prints or order, then it may not be built accurately! inTech builds to signed off prints and orders and when there is a discrepancy, prints are final. Please make sure that everything is shown on your prints and only submit signed off prints with no changes shown.
To download files to your local harddrive, right-click on the link, then left-click on "Save link as" or "Save target as" depending on the browser that you use. 3D prints will automatically download as they must be opened in an external PDF reader to function correctly.
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