Ready to Buy?

We've revolutionized the trailer buying process.

Find Your Design

Step 1

Review Existing Designs

Our trailer galleries are a great resource to help discover great layouts. Once you find a build that matches what you want take note of the reference number.

Discover Ways to Customize

Our Option Galleries are a great way to find more customizations. Make notes on what options you might want to add to your floorplan.

Create Your Own Design

Didn't find what you were looking for? Download the grid prints for your model and begin designing your own unique floorplan.

Gather Everything Up

You can receive a quote without sending us this information, but with more information we can provide a more accurate quote and design for your new trailer.

Send Us Your Layout

Once we know your selections, our sales team will assist you in finding the right inTech Dealer to fit your needs.

Receive Your Quote

Your inTech Dealer will use your information to provide a quote and become your main point of contact. In the meantime, check out our FAQ about the order process.

Submit Your Information

Step 2

Complete Your Order

Step 3

Log Into the Customer Portal

Within one week of approving your order with your inTech dealer, you will receive your own custom Web Access Code. Use this code to find your custom trailer prints and sign up for email notifications on the status of your order. Watch your trailer being built step-by-step and don't forget to share the code with your friends!

Register and Find Support

Don't forget to register your trailer and find tons of useful guides and information in our unique Support area.

Factory Tours

inTech Trailers welcomes potential customers and interested parties to visit our facility for a tour of our manufacturing process.

Schedule Tour

Frequently Asked Questions

inTech Trailers are designed and built for the long road ahead. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions to help you understand the buying process.

Lead times are often requested at the time a new order is placed. These estimates are always given in weeks from the date of the signed off prints and order and may vary greatly depending on the number of print revisions that are requested. If a large number of units are signed off before your unit is signed off, the estimated lead time may change. Please check back with your dealer after your unit is signed off to verify current lead times. Lead times are approximate and are not a guarantee of delivery.

The status shown above lets you know what is happening with your order at any given time. Take some time to review the information below to get a better understanding of what the status means.

  • Order Received for Entry:  inTech has received your order from the dealer. It will go to a review meeting within 24 hours and then it will either go to Engineering or questions will be sent back to the dealer.
  • To Engineering for Initial Prints:  inTech produces a full set of prints for each trailer once the order is completed. Depending on the complexity of the build the initial prints will take between 1-3 weeks.
  • Prints & Order to Dealer for Sign Off:  The order and prints have both been updated as needed and sent back to the dealer for sign off. The dealer should be contacting you with any order changes at this point and work on print changes or getting a sign off to proceed.
  • To Sales from Engineering:  Your new prints will be available online at this point. Prints have been updated and returned to sales to make any changes requested by engineering.
  • Waiting on Questions to Dealer:  This status will show when there are open questions out to the dealer. This could be a conflict in options, clarifications on locations or any number of other things. This status means that inTech is not actively working on your order.
  • To Engineering for Print Revisions:  inTech has received your requested changes to the prints and Engineering will update the drawings. Revisions receive priority and these will typically be returned in 1-3 business days from our receipt.
  • Order & Prints Signed Off:  We have received the sign off from the dealer on the order and the prints. Now that your unit is signed off you can check with your dealer to see what the current lead time would be.
  • Ordered for Production:  Materials have now been ordered for your trailer. At this time any changes made will likely incur additional change order fees and delay completion of your unit. With so many shortages in the industry, inTech has responded by ordering materials as close to the sign off date as possible. This status is NOT correlated to production start at this time.
  • In Production:  Your trailer has started in production. A typical trailer will take between 1.5-3 weeks to build depending on the complexity of your trailer. Check the construction photos area to see photos updated daily.
  • Change Order After Sign Off:  This status means that there is a change requested after the unit is signed off. If materials have already been ordered additional charges may be required. Making changes after sign off may cause delays in completing your new trailer.
  • Change Order In Production:  This status means that there is a change requested to the trailer while it is in production. Since all materials have been ordered and the build has already begun, additional charges may be required to make your desired changes. Production may also stop on your trailer until we know the outcome of the changes.
  • Holding Per Dealer:  The dealer has put a hold on the order. This status means inTech is not actively working on your order.
  • Waiting to Ship:  Your new trailer has completed in production and is waiting to be picked up or shipped. Check the completed photos to see pictures of your finished unit.
  • Shipped:  Your new trailer has been picked up or shipped. We hope you enjoy your new inTech Trailer!

As you work with a dealer and place your order there are many tools to help you. The more informed you are on what is available from inTech and what you want in a new trailer the faster we can get your design done. We at inTech are more than happy to make changes and adjust the design to fit your needs as you see new things, but these changes take time. Please review the buyers guide, the many galleries on our web site, and talk to your authorized inTech dealer who can provide you with great advice and options that you may have not considered. Please keep in mind that we need to know ahead of time about any critical completion dates that you may have. If you need your new trailer for a specific event or trip please let your dealer know as early in the process as possible. We will let your dealer know if that date is possible and ensure that we hit that date if it is.

Providing a pre-print floorplan sketch to your dealer at the time your order is placed will help to make sure that everything is located properly and help to expedite the print process. Please let us know about any critical dimensions when you submit your order, if we don't know a dimension is critical we can't know to hold it. Once your order is received we will do an initial review of your order to ensure that there aren't any missing items or questions that we have that may slow down or stop the print process. If we discover these items during the review you will see the status change to Waiting on Questions to Dealer. Once all questions are answered and all required supporting documents are received the trailer order will be sent to engineering for initial prints. Depending on the number of orders in process and the complexity of your order, it is normal for the initial prints to take somewhere between 1-3 weeks. An extremely complex build may require more time than that to make sure that everything will fit and work as it is designed. Subsequent print revisions typically take 1-3 business days, but may also vary depending on the number and complexity of changes.

Now that your trailer design has been approved it is time for our team of veteran trailer builders to construct your new trailer from the ground up. Many people believe that once their trailer is signed off it is immediately ordered for and starts in production within days. Our typical lead times range from 6-13 weeks from the date of sign off depending on the quantity of orders we have. We don't ever try to exceed our demand because we value our team of employees and understand that having stability in our production staff is what allows us to make a product that is truly superior to those that you find elsewhere. It is quite normal for the status to remain as Order & Prints Signed Off until about 4-5 weeks before the expected completion date. All of the materials will be ordered for your trailer around a month before the trailer is to complete. Production times vary for different trailers based on their size and complexity, but they can take anywhere from 1.5 weeks for a simple build to 3 or more weeks for a bath package or a larger very custom build. As soon as the status changes to In Production you can expect to see production photos uploaded each morning from the end of the previous production day. Once the trailer is completed we will upload completed photos of your unit for you to share with your friends.

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